
30 Before 30: Update

In my quest to make the next 16 months of my life as exciting as they can possibly be (or at least the parts I have control over) and in a grand effort to make turning 30 in a little over a year as bearable as possible, I have created this list of items I want to accomplish/experience before the dreaded 3-0!!!!  I still have 9 slots to fill.... so any suqqestions would be greatly appreciated!!!  I give you the list...

1. Europe (get specific… no where you have been before) or australia (pipe dream, but looking into)
2. Skydiving
3. Karaoke at Lonnie’s by myself
4. Hot air balloon ride
5. Serve a meal at a homeless shelter
6. Meet an elephant
7. Ellen show
8. Take a shot with a famous person
9. Spend a weekend in a Tree house
10. Zip Line at the Mega Caverns- Louisville
11. Snow ski while drinking a beer
12. Run a full marathon
13. Get published
14. Take a pole dancing class
15. Learn to shoot properly with my gun
16. Masquerade ball
17. Go one FULL DAY unplugged…. No phone, computer, TV
18. Go to New Orleans
19. Blog/keep journal everyday for one year
20. Bourbon Trail
21. (something in ATL, I have a trip in Nov...)
22.-30. TBD!!

I feel that all items that are completely achieveable and would make for a very interesting 16 month ride!!! 

Hope you are all having a great week so far!


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